Common Foot Problems and the Feldenkrais Method®

Feldenkrais® sessions can help a great deal. We have many lessons that you can follow to help the toes straighten and be able to be a functional part of your walking and running. Private sessions (called Functional Integration) may be the first step for you and the Feldenkrais practitioner to develop a learning plan that best fits for you.
Happy Toes

Foot discomfort limits many of our daily activities and also those that bring meaning to our lives.
Often a source of discomfort is our toes, but few of us are aware of the special connection the toes have to foot discomfort.
Tell Someone about Feldenkrais…

Have you told a friend about the Feldenkrais Method? Since the pandemic, we aren’t chatting as much with friends in person.That got me thinking, how about if you put just a few words in your favourite social media platform about the benefits of the Feldenkrais Method. That’s gotta help other people find the classes and the […]
The Grammar of Learning

I was talking with my friend Reg about the difference between words from Britain and words in Canada or United States; one word in particular stuck out was “pudding”. Reg said that in England, “pudding” was all kinds of desserts: he listed off desserts like rice pudding, treacle sponge pudding or Christmas pudding; he said […]
A Short Lesson for you…

Here is a fairly short (20-minute) lesson you can do on the floor or your bed, learning how you can roll from your back to your side. Are you new to Feldenkrais lessons? Read how to benefit from the lessons. Learn more about how the Feldenkrais Method enhances, or feeds your brain. Underpinning all the […]
Your Sleep Cycle

Do you wake up during the night and struggle to get back to sleep?
Do you have difficulty going to sleep?
Do you have difficulty waking up?
Before you try a lot of techniques, devices and medications for your sleep, maybe you first need to track your personal sleep cycle over a week or two.
Mini-Break at your Computer

Feeling stiff? Here’s something you can explore while sitting at your computer.….. We tend to make our movements fast and jerky, which actually increases our stress. Thus the first step is to interrupt this habit. The Shoulder Clock Lesson Text of the lesson: For this lesson, sit comfortably at the front of the chair, with […]
Neck Ease Lesson (lesson 1)

This is done sitting at the front of a chair, with your feet flat on the floor. Turn and look over your right shoulder. Notice how far you can comfortably turn. Notice what stops you from turning further. Turn and look over your left shoulder. Notice how far you can turn on this side, and […]
Introducing the Web of Life: Fritjof Capra

I have re-discovered the writing (and now videos) of Fritjof Capra. I have a quote that you may find tantalizing: … the mechanistic view of the world has begun to give way … to a wholistic view … Instead of seeing the universe as a machine composed of elementary building blocks… the material world is […]
Learning to Learn

When Feldenkrais practitioners say, “Learn to Learn” they are reminding us that, every instant of our lives we are offered the possibility of choice, choice in action, in intention, in feeling, in thought, even in our values. Are you a machine that is programmed to do the same thing with the same input, or are […]