Deepen your awareness and connection between movement and feeling.
The FELDENKRAIS METHOD® is for anyone who wants to make the things they do easier, more efficient and pleasurable. Feldenkrais Method is a mind-body approach, which combines somatic movement and somatic awareness to help you live more comfortably and effectively.
Whether it is basic actions like sitting or walking, the daily demands of work and home, or your recreational activities – from painting and gardening to running or dance – the Feldenkrais Method offers enjoyable and effective ways to improve how you move.

What Words Do You Use to Learn?
How do you talk to yourself when learning a new action, refining a posture, or shifting a habit?
Opening Doors to a Field to Play In
Join me in this exploration of movement, learning, and play. If you’re new to Feldenkrais, this is a perfect introduction. If you’ve taken classes before, you’ll return to old favorites while deepening your experience of how you experience.
Come play. Let’s open doors together.
Online classes are Tuesdays at 7:30pm (MST). In-person classes are Thursdays at 9:30 am (MST)

Somatic Learning
Awareness Through Movement® classes are effective, economical and enjoyable. Explore and improve, deal with pain and injury and other somatic challenges. Discover more about your movement and yourself.

Recorded Courses - Deepen Your Somatic Benefits
Deepen your benefits with pre-recorded courses which allow you to proceed at your own rate, pausing during a lesson and even repeating them.

Private Sessions
These FUNCTIONAL INTEGRATION® sessions in-person, or via Zoom. Uniquely tailored to your somatic needs. The touch is very gentle, yet it is deeply meaningful. Your stress and somatic challenges melts away and health and movement ease returns.

Rob Black, BA MSc, GCFP
Calgary, Alberta
Academic studies opened a thirst for broader study, from massage, Reiki, energy systems, yoga and Tai Chi, all of which resonated with ideas of healing. This drew me to training in biofeedback at the California Pain Control Centre in Long Beach, California.
Deeply drawn to the practice of mind-body integration, I found that the Feldenkrais Method® gave me the best grounding in this way of being in the world. I graduated from my four-year Feldenkrais training program in 1991 and have maintained a private practice since.
The scope of the Feldenkrais Method is, in a way, breath-taking. From learning and re-learning the how and why of natural breathing, to balance, to high-level performance, I continually find a depth to understanding the human condition that is unparalleled.
From the first weeks, to our year of aging, and all in between, we can find an idea, a hint, an approach that enhances our very well-being.
The feldenkrais method
The method was developed by Moshe Feldenkrais — engineer, physicist, martial artist, and pioneer in human development.
Moshe Feldenkrais was an engineer, physicist, inventor, martial artist and student of human development. Born in the Ukraine, he emigrated to British Mandate Palestine as a young man.
Later he studied at the Sorbonne and worked in the Joliot Curie laboratory in Paris during the 1930s. His interest in Ju Jitsu brought him into contact with Professor Kano who developed the sport of Judo. Dr. Feldenkrais was a founder of the Ju Jitsu Club of Paris and was one of the first Europeans to earn a black belt in Judo.
to our experience of ourselves
and our lives.
“If you know what you are doing,
you can do what you want”.
bodies as merely biological machines
to move our minds around.
Short, free bonus lessons guided by Rob
Pain while walking?
Pain while walking is experienced by many people.
This may come from misuse. In this short video you learn a way to ease discomfort while walking. Of course you can take these ideas and expand and modify to enhance the benefit.
Other ideas are in the Articles section.
Neck and Shoulder Tension?
Sit comfortably — at the front of a chair, or on the floor. Sense the distance between the each shoulder and the ear lobe. Which side feels longer? Which side feels shorter? Choose the side that feels shorter. Raise the arm on that side overhead as close to the ear as is comfortable and let the forearm rest on the top of the head.
uncomfortable jaw TENSION?
In this short Feldenkrais® lesson with Rob Black, you learn some ways that you can ease tension in your jaw. You also learn to sense the difference between following a visual demonstration and following only audio directions (more common on Feldenkrais lessons). This is just one of many lessons that will help you relearn the habit of tightening the jaw.
Audio-only short lessons